Mt Kilimanjaro (19,341')

My daughter and I joined 8 other people to do the Northern Circuit route to climb Mt Kilimanjaro, trekking from August 4th to August 12th. Our guide service, Peak Planet, turned out to be utterly fantastic. Not only did they employ excellent safety standards (procedures and equipment), but the guides with their staff of porters were some of the most quality human beings I have met. The Northern Circuit provides arguably the best opportunity for a successful summit due to the excellent acclimatization schedule. Despite varying levels of fitness and experience in our group of ten, everyone summited without major problems. Music provided by the entire Peak Planet staff for this climb. For the extended cut of this Northern Circuit and Kilimanjaro climb, go to the travel section pulldown.

STP: July 16, 2022

The dynamic trio!

This was my 10th STP (Seattle To Portland), but that pales in comparison to my buddy and his daughter: Jon has done 33 STPs and his 34 Y/O daughter has done 25! Yes, she started very early. On top of that, the majority of their rides have been one day events. This was only my third one day, 21 years after my others. It was good to revisit that kind of sufferfest. Actually, the conditions were pretty good, with cool temperatures and smatterings of rain showers. Unfortunately, the majority of our ride was against headwinds. One can’t complain when there wasn’t a flat tire, minor mishap or crash amongst us! Nor did we witness any others (aside from the occasional flat tire) that had problems, so a good day indeed. Rider quote of the day: “I used to like my bike!”

Willis Wall Holiday Year in Review 2021

Been a busy year at Willis Wall. Relocating back to the Pacific Northwest, basing out of the van for 5 months logging hundreds of miles and thousands of feet on foot, bike and skis. Besides my usual stomping ground at Mt. Rainier National Park, I trained at the US Air Force Academy, did the High Sierra Trail with my daughter to Mt Whitney, managed a week of cycling in Italy, turned in one of my best Wonderland Trail hikes and hit some great places like Olympic National Park, Colorado National Monument, Dinosaur National Monument, Craters of the Moon National Monument, White Sands National Park, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Joshua Tree National Park and Saguaro National Park. Family matters precluded the time to write original music this year so I recycled some Christmas tunes from previous projects. I wish viewers good health and happiness for the coming year!