Willis Wall Happy Holidays 2017

It's that time of year again, where I get an excuse to arrange some holiday music and show clips from this year's sojourns of hiking, biking and skiing, including:

Mt. Rainier: Wonderland Trail, Inter Glacier, Russell Glacier, Steamboat Prow, RIMROBOD, Ipsut Creek, Green Lake, off trail, Success Cleaver, West Side Road

Olympics: Hoh Rainforest, Enchanted Valley, Ruby Beach

Glacier Peak Wilderness, PCT

Best wishes to all viewers for this and the coming year.

Paradise to Longmire Bike: Update/Newly Paved

I know, another bike video, but I wanted to show the difference in the 11 mile section between Longmire and Paradise (MRNP); the repaving project has been going on for 4 years, the last two years improving and finishing this stretch. As one of my regular bike training routes, the difference is remarkable, with smooth sailing now from Paradise all the way to the park's Nisqually entrance. In the following video (available in 2K resolution), I have the upper portion showing the downhill ride (October 30, 2017) running concurrently with a 3 camera (Left, Center, Right) sequence I filmed in February of 2014. I frequently had to pause the latest ride for the 2014 sequence to "catch up", probably due to a number of factors: better bike, better road, better visibility with no snowbanks etc. In my 35 years of roaming this park, I like to document changes. Pour yourself a cool one, sit back and enjoy the ride.