TRAINING: If I could only do one thing to train for this trail, it would be stairs. Not running, biking or even hiking. It’s the downhills that will trash your legs more than anything else. Remember, it’s not just 22,000 feet of climbing, it’s 22,000 feet of stepping down/downhills. I have the opportunity at my current location to avail myself of an incline that has 314 steps. I’ve recently been going longer (I.e., 25 transits). 4 hours for less than 6 miles but over 4700 feet of climbing. It was the down stepping that made my legs sore for 3 days afterwards, not the uphill. The more you can condition your body, the more margin you will have; the difference between wow and suck factor.
Consider some PCT hikers over the past few years had difficulties when they had to bail….only using the Guthook app, they didn’t see access trails or roads and only knew the swathe before them. Luckily you really only need one map for the Wonderland, so I would advise carrying one even if you have all the electronic goodies. If you only have Guthook and your phone goes Tango Uniform, and you’re not familiar with the area, you may have a hard time figuring out your options in case of difficulties. Granted this is not a wilderness hike, you will see plenty of people along the way. But why put yourself at the mercy of other people’s opinions or advice due to lack of information?
Don’t worry about food weight: pack what you know you like and can digest throughout long days on the trail. Cook or no cook, it matters not if you look forward to eating it.
Essential tip: Desitin for chapped ass prevention, because chapped ass is one of the most annoying things to experience on the trail. Don’t ask me how I know.
Finally, I refer to my advice above: critically review everything you are putting in your pack or on your person… but this time in a different light. Don’t feel guilty about bringing pure comfort items, like a pillow or hard cover book or teddy bear if these things truly make your time on trail more delightful. It’s not just about the gram counting, because ultimately you are probably hiking the Wonderland because you love being outside and revel in the sights and smells. Some may read this and think to themselves, screw you buddy, I like my blank and blank and blanks! That leads me to my final thought: how one enjoys the outdoors is a personal decision and not subject to criticism, so it is important not to pass judgement on others just because they do it differently than yourself. Just keep your eyes and ears peeled for techniques that you may want to steal for yourselves.